
Monday, August 31, 2009

Pools and Summertime

I love a good swim; whether it is for exercise or fun. There is something so refreshing about being in the water on a nice hot day. With summer coming to a close I'm going to miss my visits to the local aquatic center. My roommate and I would spend a lazy Saturday there rotating between laying out, swiming and going down the slides. Wouldn't it be awesome if I had one of these pools in my backyard?!
I love the color of the water in this picture
What a breathtaking viewAnyone up for a late night swim?And if I couldn't have an outdoor pool I guess I could settle for this one, I mean if I had too!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


"Yes, men and women who turn their lives over to God will find out that he can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace. Whoever will lose his life to God will find out he has eternal life. "(Ezra Taft Benson, 1974)

Friday, August 28, 2009


“I think if I’ve learned anything about friendship, it’s to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don’t walk away, don’t be distracted, don’t be too busy or too tired, don’t take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff." - John Katz

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Couple of Things

There are a couple things I think are great about this space. First, I love all the natural light; the clerestory windows are a great way to take advantage of light without using valuable wall space. Second, I love how the square bookcase repeats the square windows. Squares are great for evoking a feeling of security and comfort in a room. Third, I love the barrel dome ceiling. Fourth, isn't that light fixture cool? And fifth, I love all the attention to detail in the architectural moldings and the contrasting colors of the walls, flooring and furniture (that might have been 6 but who's counting?)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Movie Time

Doesn't this home theater look fun? And each chair is big enough for 2 people- which is the only way I like to watch a movie- cuddling with a cute guy!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tiles of Glass

What is it about glass tiles that just makes me giddy with design envy? I was recently helping a client with some remodeling in her kitchen and I thought I would share some of the ideas I gave her. I really need glass tile in my kitchen- I need it!
I love how they can give a room the pop of color it needs.
Or an understate sophisticated, minimalistic feel.
This one is my personal favorite.
I love the variation in the tiles behind the cooktop.
Oh I love bright blues! And these blues are vibrant and catching.
I like the idea of this tile but maybe not so much. The color is great for those who need a more neutral color palette.

Friday, August 21, 2009

For My Friend

I don't talk about myself very much on this blog; I guess set it up that way, but the more I blog the more I realize that blogging is about things that matter to me. You know when you have those times that are just rough? I know we all have them and we all have them at different phases in our lives; like the stay at home mom who feels like her whole existence is based on feeding and cleaning up her kids and all she wants to do is take a shower, put on a cute outfit and keep it clean for an entire day. Or the career woman who wants to be noticed for her fabulous talents but keeps being overlooked for the promotion she wants. Or like me, the single girl who just wants to find love and I can't figure out why it is so hard to find. I enjoy all the relationships that come into my life but I get crushed when they end. The battle for me sometimes is letting it go and believing that something better will replace what I had. Well I have a blog friend that is going through that same thing right now; so I figured I would let her know she isn't alone. And that we can't give up; we just have to focus on ourselves and making sure we enjoy the ride even if it is rougher then we want or it takes us down a different road then we planned. I know sometimes it's lonely, and that's the hardest part for me, and when I get lonely it's tough to surround myself with people because I still feel that void and I ache. But when I sit and reflect and get in tune with my heart that's when the peace comes and the outside world doesn't seem like such a big deal. It doesn't change the heartache but it reminds me that the most important thing I can do is love myself no matter where I'm at in life and things will work out. And the hard part is not giving up and still taking chances! But taking a break every now and again is healthy and usually needed and definitely deserved! Good luck.

I Love Art

One of my favorite artists is Ford Smith. I have the picture above in my office at work; it's an oversized print and I love the dramatic statement it makes; I also love looking at it everyday!
I love the colors and simplicity, this one reminds me of the upcoming fall season.
Blue has got to be one of my favorite colors! I love how vivid the red and green is against the deep blue hues.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Something To Try

I love this idea of putting wallpaper on the top 2/3 of the wall. It makes a strong statement without overwhelming you with too much pattern. And I think the greyish green color on the walls is really soothing and inviting.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

7 Things I Love Meme

My fun new friend Heidi over at Finding My Way tagged me for this fun meme.
  1. Hoodies (even though I love summer I am so excited for hoody weather!)

  2. My dogs- Copper and Deja

  3. Cuddling up in a blanket and watching a movie, reading a book or taking a nap

  4. Chocolate chip cookies!

  5. Dancing in the kitchen, or pretty much dancing anywhere when music is on

  6. My favorite trail to walk or jog

  7. The smell of a guy's cologne

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I love eating! I love the whole experience; an awesome atmosphere, delicious food, good company. Here are some great eating areas. Enjoy I love the huge windows.
This is a fun space.
This is like your own private restaurant with that amazing view! Where is the cook?
I love huge artwork with lots of color; what a great focal point.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Nightly Adventure

I can't imagine what it would be like to share my room with 3 other girls but it looks like an adventure!
I grew up as the only girl (besides my mom) in my family for 15 years! Every time my mom was pregnant I would hope and hope for a sister. I thought a sister would be so fabulous; someone to share secrets with, go places with and basically be best friends with. All my friends who had sisters assured me it wasn't as cool as I dreamt it would be. Well after 3 brothers and 15 years as the only girl I finally got a little sister, Rue. And while we never HAD to share the same room or even the same toys we definitely became best friends! I love that we have such a close relationship, we have sleepovers (which include painting our toenails, jambing out to music, watching chick flicks and making yummy gooey treats) daily phone/text chats, shopping sprees and we plenty of shared secrets (like all the boys we have crushes on!). When either of us has a bad day or gets exciting news the first person we call is each other; no one else can cheer me up like she can. It's great that we are so far apart in age but we are closer then most friends I know with sisters closer to their own age. It's Rue's birthday today and she just turned 14!

I love having a best friend and best sister! Happy Birthday Rue!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Personality Plus

From the stainless steel countertops to the undercounter lighting and sky blue cabinets this kitchen is retro and hip. I love bold and unexpected in any space. Be unique and daring!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Night Out

I want to relax, kick back and lounge around here! What a view.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'll Take Stripes Anyway I Can

What a great kids bedroom! Very tasteful while still being fun.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Clear and Funky

How awesome are these chairs? (i'm not worrying about keeping them clean at the moment) I love the contrast between the dark wood and the clear plastic. And the artwork on the wall is fantastic.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Goodbye 28.... Hello 29!

It's my birthday, and yeah I'm going to blog about it. Mostly because 28 was such a good year for me. I learned and experienced and grew and changed a lot. There were lots of happy smiles, and there were some teary eyes, exciting moments and rollercoaster rides.

Some highlights from 28:
  • Promoted to Interior Design Deparment Head
  • New addition to the family, Deja (my dog)
  • Found out I have a thyroid condition, feel like a new person
  • Lost weight since thyroid was fixed, yay
  • Met an awesome guy, it didn't work out, cried and moved on
  • Baby Milton, I'm an honorary aunt
  • Had laser hair removal done on my arms, this has been a life long dream!
  • First trip to Texas, loved seeing Kellie
  • New roommates Jen and Mel, lots of laughs and dancing
  • Started this blog
  • My dad was diagnosed with Lupus, he's doing pretty good
  • Dated more in the past 6 months then the last 2 years combined, roller coaster ride!
  • Brother got married, new sister in law, love Zanii

I will look back at 28 and think "that was a crazy good year!" And I hope 29 brings me more!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Enjoyment in Neutral

The textures in this room are divine, the natural light is inspiring and the space feels harmonious.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Art of Architecture

This place looks so tranquil and fascinating!
How could you not smile when you drove home after a long day at work?
Every morning would be a breath of fresh air!

This looks a little precarious.

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Penny For Your Thoughts

How cool is this floor! It's at a restaurant in NYC. Love it.